Use of IR information
The IR information on this website is intended to provide financial and
management information about Aucfan Co., Ltd (“the company”). However, we make no
representation or warranty regarding its content.
Information on this website is
not intended to solicit investment. Please refrain from making investment decisions based
solely on the information on this website; any investment decisions should be based on your
own judgment.
Information on this Website
While we pay utmost attention to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, we do not take responsibility for any errors in information, or for any damages resulting from third-party data falsification or downloading.
This website includes statements about future performance. These statements are not guarantees of future performance, and include certain risks and uncertainties. Please be aware that performance forecasts may not materialize due to changes in the operating environment and other factors.
Operation of This Website
We may revise the content of this website or suspend or halt its operation without notice. Furthermore, this website may not operate normally on your computer for a variety of reasons, such as the network environment you are using. Please be aware that we are not responsible for any problems, losses, or damages arising therefrom.