Experiencing Auction Business
Takenaga was a university student. One day, he
visited a second-hand PC store to sell his old laptop to save money for the
bar examination.
The shop offered him to pay 40,000 yen.
He was
not satisfied with the price and tried online auction, which just started to
As a result, he was able to sell it at 150,000 yen.
price increased nearly fourfold. Besides, the buyer was delighted. Since
then, he was fascinated by the auction business and started to sell items
procured at flea markets and overseas at auction.
Starting Businesses
Takenaga rolled out the auction business as an
independent business proprietor. It came to generate hundreds of millions of
yen in annual sales.
His business was incorporated after scaling
The established company was named Defactostandard, Ltd. The new
company set up “Brandear,” a service purchasing used luxury goods from
individual users.
Finding the Market Price Search Site – Establishing Aucfan
Defactostandard, Ltd. expanded the business by
procuring merchandise from flea markets, providers, and overseas to resell.
It also started purchasing high-end items from individuals.
company frequently used an auction price search site “(Provisional) Auction
Statistics Page” to check the market price before buying items.
had an opportunity to meet its administrator.
After a series of
negotiations, the webmaster agreed to hand over the website to
That is the very origin of our aucfan.com site.
Defactostandard, Ltd. spun off its media division, the website’s management
body, as Aucfan Co., Ltd.
Developing Media Business – Becoming a Listed Company
Aucfan successfully developed media business by integrating the privately-owned search site into the corporate media of aucfan.com, adding more services for members, and creating pay content. In 2013, Aucfan went public on the TSE Mothers.
Expanding Marketplace and Solution Businesses
Many of the aucfan.com users were business owners who
procured and sold merchandise like our founder Takenaga.
received many requests from customers to support procurement and sales in
addition to the existing price information service.
We considered
acquiring businesses to accelerate development while making new content to
support procurement and sales to respond to those requests.
In 2015, we acquired two businesses to enhance
marketplace business: “NETSEA,” the largest online B2B wholesale mall
formerly managed by DeNA, and “ReValue,” a service to liquidate slow-moving
“TATEMPO GUIDE,” a centralized system to operate and
manage online shops, was also added to our solution business in the same
As a Re-Infra Company.
Aucfan Group believes that problem of waste loss will become increasingly serious in the future, and has started a new company that provides a "Merchandise Distribution Platform" that supports liquidation of products from primary to secondary distribution, and an "Inventory Management Solution" that visualizes value of products.
In 2021, we released "NETSEA Auction" (formerly Revalue B2B Mall) and "NETSEA Bulk Mall" in order to further promote the liquidation of returned products and slow moving inventory.